August 9, 2022

5 Ways to Engineer Engagement with your Catalog

Join HawkSearch’s resident conversion expert Johnathan Meyer to learn how to cut through complex catalogs and convert searches to sales. Gain an inside edge on conversion opportunities your competitors are missing and put your website to WORK for your sales pipeline.

Learn how to:

  • Breakdown your site into the key elements to drive conversion
  • Direct traffic to exactly the right product for purchase
  • Identify new opportunities to raise the value of every shopping cart
August 9, 2022

5 Ways to Engineer Engagement with your Catalog

Join HawkSearch’s resident conversion expert Johnathan Meyer to learn how to cut through complex catalogs and convert searches to sales. Gain an inside edge on conversion opportunities your competitors are missing and put your website to WORK for your sales pipeline.

Learn how to:

  • Breakdown your site into the key elements to drive conversion
  • Direct traffic to exactly the right product for purchase
  • Identify new opportunities to raise the value of every shopping cart

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