HawkSearch for Electrical Distributors

Help Customers Find the Right Products Swiftly and Accurately

Intelligent, Tailored Search Solutions.

HawkSearch's AI and machine learning-powered platform speaks the electrical industry's language, delivering precise results for terms like "MC cable" or "conduit fittings." It's not just a search tool; it's a comprehensive search solution that anticipates your needs, offering relevant recommendations and alternatives.

State Electric Supply logo
Cables to Go logo
Kirby Risk logo
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Case Studies

Enhanced Engagement and Conversion. HawkSearch redefines online search for leading distributors like Kirby Risk and State Electric Supply Co. Read how our technology has significantly reduced search exit rates and increased conversion rates.

Revolutionize Your Product Search

Smart Search

AI Search for Efficient, Accurate Results.

Whether it's a rush order or a complex specification, HawkSearch guarantees fast, efficient, and accurate search results, ensuring customer satisfaction at every step of their purchasing journey. Learn more about the different ways your customers can discover products with Smart Search.

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Illustration of search results showing junction boxes with filter options

Discover More, Search Less with HawkSearch.

As the premier search provider for electrical distributors, HawkSearch invites you to discover a smarter way to search. Ready to see the difference?